Hawai'i's Skilled Trades Workforce: Forging the Future

Download The Report: Hawai'i Skilled Trades Workforce Analysis

As Hawai'i propels itself towards the ambitious 2045 clean energy goals, skilled trades workers are emerging as a pivotal force behind the expansion of renewable energy development, battery storage, and the enhancement of the grid infrastructure.

The skilled trades sector plays a vital role in driving Hawai'i's economy and shaping its clean energy transition. Download the comprehensive "Hawai'i Skilled Trades Workforce Analysis" report to gain valuable insights into this essential workforce.

Prepared by SMS Research and funded by the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation, The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, and the Chamber of Commerce Hawai'i, this in-depth analysis provides:

  • Detailed profiles of 85 skilled trades occupations and their growth prospects in Hawai'i
  • An overview of skilled trades training pathways, including apprenticeships
  • Strategies to enhance career awareness and recruitment into the trades
  • Recommendations to address barriers to accessing and completing training
  • An action plan to cultivate a robust skilled trades workforce for Hawai'i's future

Whether you're an employer, educator, policymaker or prospective skilled trades worker, this report offers valuable data and analysis to inform your decisions. Download your copy today and discover the opportunities in Hawai'i's skilled trades.

> Download the full report

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